Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Moving right along

These past 2 weeks have been fun and stressful. Justin was gone for almost a week on business to his company's Phoenix office. The weather was beautiful there, although he spent most of his time putting in long hours at the office. He was able to sneak away on the last day to see a baseball spring training game.

We found a house (not that we are looking to move currently) that we were very excited about. The house is a bank owned home about 2 blocks from our house. We went to an open house and got excited about the possibility of moving. We started cleaning out our house of excess stuff we have collected over the last 10 years. Closets got organized and areas began to get clean. We put in an offer during a 3 day listing on the house. We found out last night that the bank decided on taking a lower offer than ours (and 3 other offers) and went with a cash offer. I guess Dave Ramsey is right when he says "Cash is King". Money talks. You can get a lot of great deals when you have cash in hand. The positives for this is that #1 Our house is SO much cleaner #2 I have a story for my Financial Peace University Class #3 My house is a lot more organized, but most of all, God is a Great God. We had prayed for his guidance in this situation with moving and selling our house. We know that He did what was best for us right now. Life is uncertain, but we are certain that we have a God that loves us and takes care of us. He knows what is best for us. Although I am really disappointed that we did not get this house (for those of you I have talked to about this, you know that I had already mentally moved in. I even picked out paint colors, had ideas for where furniture would be arranged, etc) I know that God is in control and that He will continue to take care of us and help prepare us for when we are ready to move.

Ben standing next to his science project on the Sun
Ben and Cami were so proud of the hard work they did on their Science projects for the Science Fair. Ben spent a lot of time reading about and learning about the sun with daddy. He decided to make his project explaining the different layers of the sun.
Cami's class had to pick a topic on "Where does ______ come from". She immediately chose ice cream since it is one of her favorite treats. Daddy pulled up a video on the computer about how ice cream is made and Cami watched and soaked up the information. She was excited to make a project that involved coloring and crafts. She is quite the little artist and spent over an hour decorating the box that the project had to fit into.
Both kids received ribbons for their participation, which they proudly display in their rooms.

Cami next to her Science project 'Where does Ice Cream come from'

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Korean New Year Party

We celebrated our annual Korean New Year party. We celebrate it a few weeks after the traditional one so the ladies at the Korean church can help our group with food. They enjoy making traditional Korean food for our adoption group. We always enjoy watching and helping them and most of all eating it.
We celebrated with traditional games, such as tug of war. We also enjoyed watching traditional Korean fan dancing. We had a wonderful time. The kids favorite part was "eating the yummy food."

Traditional Korean fan dancing
Kelly, Jared, Cami, and Ben take a turn at tug o war
Ian loved playing tug o war, although he was pulling the opposite way of his team
Ben (hiding behind Justin), daddy, and Cami playing tug o war
Ian playing a hacky sack type game
enjoying some delicious Korean food

Thursday, March 4, 2010

When daddys away...

We had a good start to the week, but knew that things would get a little more difficult as the week went on. Justin left on a business trip to Arizona on early Tuesday morning. As the week goes on, we all miss having him around to talk to, to snuggle with, to read stories with, etc. Ian especially misses his middle of the night snuggler. We have been getting along well, but since Justin is working a lot, we haven't been able to talk to him very much. He and 2 other guys from the Madison office are trying to switch over the phone system at the office in Phoenix. They have been putting in long hours and hope to get out tomorrow in time for a baseball game. Thankfully, Justin has been able to get in a run or two to burn off the extra stress.

We stocked up on Pull ups and have been starting the potty training process this week. It may be a long road ahead as Ian is not very excited about it. He willingly sits on the potty (at least some of the time he is willing), but doesn't think the potty or poo poo should go in the toilet. Hopefully things will click soon, but I am prepared for a long road ahead.