Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Busy Weekend

In our tradition of filling our weekends, we put our time and sanity to the test as we headed up to the Wilderness in Wisconsin Dells with our friends, the Glassfords. We headed up on Friday after stopping at A&W for some dinner. We played in the waterpark until late and got a good nights sleep. On Saturday, Justin and the kids headed to the water park while I enjoyed a morning to sleep in until 9 (yes a luxury!). We relaxed for a while then Justin and Cami headed to the play area while Ian napped, Ben watched Animal Planet, and mom got to read 3 chapters in my book (yes, another luxury). After lunch, we headed back to Madison to attend a friend's retirement party. Mstr. Sgt. Roger Elliott is retiring from the Air Force after 21 years of service. The kids had a fun time playing with Sean and Chloe, while Justin and I chatted. After the party, we headed back to Wisconsin Dells. Another night of playing and time at the play area, then heading to our room so the kids could have snacks and watch Scooby Doo.
Sunday we left a little after 8am to head back to Madison to church. We took a different route so we could surprise the kids with a ferry ride in Merrimac. They got a kick out of going across the water. We made it to church a few minutes late. We were happy to see our friends, Casey and Debbie and their 3 kids joining us for church. They use to be members until they moved to Appleton 2 years ago. We enjoyed a nice brunch at Perkins after church, giving us a chance to catch up. After an hour back at home, our friend Marcia came to babysit so Justin and I could have a few hours out. We met up with Chris and Jim. We enjoyed a quick trip to Costco and then off to see the movie The A-Team.
The weekend flew and now we dive right into the week. Another busy week of school, a quick visit from Mike, swim class, piano, and a spine stabilization class for Dana. This week will fly by, but hopefully we will get some good family time in.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Self Portraits

Our sassy and silly little boy