Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Monday, January 17, 2011

Gymnastics Open Gym MLK day

Day off of school means lots of fun at Madtowne Twisters. The kids enjoyed going to Open Gym.

Ben and his friend, Sean, swinging

Weekend Fun

We had a fun Christmas break, however, due to my recovery from a spinal blood patch from my last prolotherapy session, I did not have the time or energy to make our traditional Christmas cookies with the kids. I am so thankful that the kids understood that mommy was hurt and VERY sore. I suffered from headaches for several weeks trying to rebuild the spinal fluid and trying to come off of high amounts of caffeine that originally helped with the headaches from the spinal leak. We spent a little time (while the headaches were manageable) making and decorating gingerbread cookies. I love spending time with my kiddos, especially when we get to do fun activities, like making cookies!
Ben and Cami add the ingredients
The kids are great helpers
We are ready to put the cookies on the pan to bake
Look at my yummy cookie mommy
The kids' creations

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Cami's Lost Tooth

Cami made another step into growing up today. She lost her first tooth. She told me this morning on our way to school that her tooth was very loose and that she was sure it was coming out today. She worked on it throughout the day and after lunch and recess, the class went back to the classroom to start afternoon classes. Cami pulled her tooth out in the classroom and quietly put it in her desk. She told her teacher during her class. Since this is the first tooth she lost, she gets to write a letter to the tooth fairy asking for something extra special. When I asked her what she is going to ask for, she responded with "a Nintendo DS". I carefully explained to her that the tooth fairy cannot afford to buy every child something so expensive. I told her that the she needs to choose something that is a little more affordable for the tooth fairy. She then responded with "maybe money for Chuck E Cheese. I think the tooth fairy will be able to do that.