Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Cami's Snack Day

During the school year, kids get to bring in snacks to share with the class. If you have a birthday during the school year, you get to pick a treat and bring it in for the class. Since Cami's birthday is in the summer, she was able to bring in a summer birthday treat this past week for her class. After a lot of thinking, she decided on Ice Cream Sundae Cones. She was very excited for the special treat. She had fun handing it out to her friends. Ian even enjoyed helping by handing out the napkins.

Mommy's New Toy

Love my new Keurig Machine. The kids love it too! Ian helped me set it up (really easy) then helped brew the first cup. He chose Hot Chocolate.

Monday, May 16, 2011

FTKA Dad's Morning Out

This past Saturday, our Korean Adoption Group had a Dad's morning out. The dads and their kids met at the Arboretum and went for a hike. They stopped at a shelter to take a picture. The boys had a great time on the brisk morning.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Grandparents Day

One of the kids favorite school days has finally arrived...Grandparents Day! Ben and Cami enjoyed Aladodo's visit last year and couldn't wait for Grandma Sandy to come to school this year.
Even though Aladodo and Papa couldn't be here in person, they were able to come to Grandparents Day in the form of Grandma and Grandpa on a stick.

Miss Rohrer starts the day with the kids introducing Grandmas and Grandpas.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Purple Park

A beautiful day, unfortunately they are few and far between lately. We spent the morning at swim class then headed to pick up Mimi. I planned ahead for lunch so we could stop at a park on the way home from school. The kids decided on the "Purple" Park.

crossing the bridge

swing time

In honor of Mother's Day


Once there were two women

Who never knew each other

One you do not remember

The other you called mother

Two different lives

Shaped to make yours one

One became your guiding star

The other became your sun

The first gave you life

And the second taught you to live it

The first gave you a need for love

And the second was there to give it

One gave you nationality,

The other gave you a name

One gave you a seed of talent

The other gave you aim

One gave you emotions

The other calmed your fears

One saw your first sweet smile

The other dried your tears

One gave you up

It was all that she could do

The other prayed for a child

And God led her straight to you

And now you ask me through your tears

The age old question through the years

Is it “Heredity” or “Environment” –Which are you the product of?

Neither my Darling, neither

Just two different kinds of love.

-Author Unknown