Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Saturday, June 21, 2008

A Berry Good Day

Yum - strawberries!

Today Ian got his first taste of pick your own strawberries. I think he's a fan. I told the kids last night that as soon as everyone got up, we'd get dressed to go pick berries. We wouldn't have breakfast because we could eat berries in the field. They were pretty excited. Ian woke up first this morning a little before 6am, Cami was up a little while later. Ben was the last up a little after 7am. Shortly thereafter we were in the van and on our way to Berry Hill Farm on Old Sauk Road outside of Middleton.

We chose Berry Hill because it was the only one in the area that seemed to be open this weekend. Our normal stop, Carandale, is closed for ripening this weekend. Berry Hill is a smaller farm and only about 10 people were picking when we arrived. The kids were excited to get started. Ben and Cami were mildly helpful and Ian just started eating berries - which was perfect. (You can see Ian's handiwork in the picture above. I didn't have a camera in the patch, but I took this when we got home - notice the red on the shirt!) I was concerned he'd run all over the rows and get too busy to handle and we'd be leaving with a quart of berries.

We were doing fine until Cami annouced she had to go to the bathroom -- No. 2 at that. So we inquired about a bathroom and the attendant said he didn't know if one was available, but gestured toward the trees. I hope we didn't do any permanent damage to the trees.

After our bathroom break, we went back to our row and picked a little more. Cami was pretty much done, but Ben was still into it and Ian kept shoving berries into his little mouth. We ended up with a little over 8 lbs or 2/3 of a flat. I was satisfied considering I had three helpers with short attention spans.

All the picking wore out Ian and he was asleep shortly after we left the farm. On the way home, we stopped at the Farmer's Market on the square on the way home, got some snap peas and cheese curds, and went to the observation deck in the Capitol.

Cami passed out on the way home from the Farmer's Market. When we got home, Ben helped me make pancakes and that was our lunch - pancakes with berries. Later on we made a pie. The kids are excited to eat it tomorrow -- maybe even for breakfast. I just had a slice and it was delicious - a perfect end to a berry good day.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Court Date

Today in the mail we received our notice from Dane County Circuit Court regrading Ian's adoption. On Wednesday, July 9 at 9:20, we'll make everything official. Judge John Albert will be presiding. Anyone who would like to celebrate with us is welcome to join us at the Dane County Courthouse, Courtroom 4A, 215 S Hamilton St, Madison, WI 53703.

This means Dana's last day of work until the snow flies is sometime before July 9th. She'll start her five months of adoption leave on the day the adoption is official. That means she'll have Thanksgiving off, but we don't know what Christmas will bring. Who know what the airline industry will look like in five months. But for now, we'll enjoy the time off.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Rain Rain Go Away!!

Cami playing basketball with Ben.
Ian helping mommy plant flowers.

The kids having a picnic on Friday. Ben is worried that there might be more rain.

I think we have had enough rain to last us a while. Roads are shut down, basements are flooding (not ours thankfully), and there are large puddles and ponds everywhere. The rain has been coming down for several days now and it is time for it to stop. Thankfully we had a nice, yet muggy, day here today. The kids were getting a little stir crazy being in doors for so many days. They understand the seriousness of the heavy rains as the news showed houses in the Wisconsin Dells area being washed away whole and sinking and another house being split in two by the floods. They were a little scared, but Ben stated that he was thankful that God kept the people from being washed away with the houses. What a smart and thoughtful little boy.

This weekend we had a garage sale with our friends Stacy. Her son Hank and our kids enjoyed playing while we sat and waited for people to come. Despite the downpours on Friday, we actually had quite a few people come in between the rain storms. We all enjoyed having a picnic lunch with free food from Potbelly Sandwiches (free food on Thursday with donations given to Habitat for Humanity).

Ian made his way down the steps today crawling and pushing his way down on his tummy. It is the first time he has made it all the way down. He is really growing up! He has 4 teeth coming in all at the same time, climbing on everything. Babbling all the time, trying so hard to communicate his wants and needs, and learning so many new things. I LOVE this stage and dislike this stage all at the same time. I mostly love it because it is fun to watch your child learn so many new things and see the excitement in their eyes and on their face from the most simple things, like bending over and seeing someone upside down (Ian got a HUGE kick out of that). The part I dislike is the frustration they get when they are trying to communicate throught whining and grunting and me having to try to figure out what the need or want is before a major meltdown occurs. I often reflect on the amazing changes that occur everyday with my kids and thank God that I have the opportunity to see them grow everyday. I feel blessed to be home with my kids running around playing tag and having picnics during the day. I know this time will go fast and soon they will be in school and our carefree days will be lost to school and activities.

Speaking of activities, Ben has just started soccer and will have his first game this coming Monday. He is enjoying it so far. Ben and Cami both are finishing up their swim classes. Cami had her last one on Wednesday and Ben's had to be rescheduled due to the rain, hail, and tornados on Thursday. He will finish up next week. They love swimming, but are looking forward to taking a break this summer and starting back up in the fall. We look forward to a limited scheduled summer, leaving most days for playtime and play dates and zoo trips with friends.

We hope to hear about Ian's official adoption court date soon. We are expecting a July court date right now. We can't wait until everything is official! We are so excited!