Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Field Trip to the Pumpkin Farm

We had a busy day on Friday as we all rose early to get ready to go on the class field trip to the Pumpkin farm.  Justin took off work so that he could be a chaperone.  Ian and I tagged along to enjoy the field trip and a nice family trip to the farm.  The kids were excited.  We met at school and then drove in a caravan of cars and vans to the farm in Stoughton.  

We went on a tractor ride out to the pumpkin patch so all the kids could pick out their own pumpkin.  Ben and Cami spent quite a bit of time making sure that they picked the right pumpkin.  Cami and Ben also helped pick out Ian's pumpkin since he was a little bit afraid of mommy putting him down in the midst of all the pumpkins.  We did manage to get him to hold one small pumpkin for a moment while we took a picture.  I think he was a little overwhelmed by everything going on.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Marthaler update

We are enjoying these few days of warm weather that will soon come to an end.  Justin and Ben are outside putting stain on the Playsystem.  Ian is "helping" which was not initially intended.  His hands are now a new shade of brown.  
We enjoyed going to Eastside Lutheran Church this morning to hear the kids sing with their classes. It is neat to see them all excited about Jesus.  Ben even impressed us later when he started talking about the sermon that Pastor Mike gave.  He was telling us about how people should not judge others, but speak to them in love and kindness.