Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Friday, February 27, 2009

Happy 2 year birthday Ian!

We can't believe that 2 years ago today, a little boy who God had chosen to be our son, was born.  He is 2 for 2 with having trips that correspond with his birthday.  Last year we were in Arizona visiting Great Grandpa Meier. We took him to his first zoo, the Phoenix zoo, and then flew back to Wisconsin on Midwest where he enjoyed a fresh baked chocolate chip cookie instead of a cake.

This year we were invited to the Wilderness Resort in Wisconsin Dells with another family. The kids had a half day of school on Thursday and all day Friday.  Our friends booked their timeshare for the overnight trip.  With 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, and 2 full kitchens, dining rooms, etc, the kids had plenty of space to run around without having to leave the timeshare condo.  We did enjoy time in two of the waterparks at the resort. The kids had fun sliding down slides, playing in the water, and enjoying the hot tub.  Ian had a blast just being in the water!  We checked out on Friday morning, but were able to play at the waterpark until early afternoon.
  We treated the kids to a Happy Meal at McDonalds on the way home.  Once home, we all layed down for a good nap.  I was thankful that I finally have most of my energy back after being sick for the past 2 months, that I was able to be active and play with the kids in the water.  We feel very blessed that we had the opportunity to do this trip and spend time together as a family.

The kids trying to wake up on Friday morning before going to the water park.
Ian is not so happy about sitting on the frog.
Ian takes a rest after a very busy morning of playing at the waterpark.

Ben and Cami, thinking of their brother (ha ha), suggested that we needed to go to Red Robin for Ian's birthday dinner.  It has become a tradition that the kids get to choose their birthday dinner, having the choice of eating their choice at home or going out.  We invited our friend, Brian and the kids, to join us for the special birthday dinner.  Everyone survived the short wait for a table and the meal.  I think it was the first time in a long time that the kids all sat and colored and ate without getting too restless.  

Eating at Red Robin

Now we end the day with a quiet house, resting up for tomorrow when Grandma Sandy and Grandpa Neil arrive to celebrate.  We also look forward to Aunt Keri and Uncle Joe and Natalie coming to play and celebrate Ian's second birthday.  My heart is filled with mixed feelings as my baby grows into a little boy.  I will miss having my baby, but look forward to a talking boy who will really start showing more of his own personality and the beginning of becoming his own little person.  We are thankful to God to have this little boy that we longed for for many, many months.

This past week, playing outside in the snow.

Ian likes to catch up on his sports.  

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Weekend

Pretty red dress complete with headband and wings, from Grandma Aladodo
Making and decorating heart shaped treats for daddy
Breakfast is served on Valentine's day morning

It is a busy start to the Valentine's weekend at the Marthaler house.  Justin was busy at church on Friday night at a seminar, while Dana stayed home with our kids and Amelia and baby Ben so that their parents could have an early Valentine's date.  We ate a heart shaped pizza for dinner and then made pink heart shaped Rice Krispie treats for dessert.  We decorated some to give to daddy and Amelia and Ben's parents and also enjoyed eating some.  The kids had a great time.  After dinner and dessert/craft time, we got into pajamas and put in a movie.  Mommy had time to clean up and then relax on the couch while the kids watched, danced, and sang along with The Little Mermaid. 

Today I woke up to breakfast in bed.  It was a nice treat to have delicious heart shaped pancakes covered in strawberries and whipped cream and a few slices of crispy bacon on the side and a glass of orange juice. Justin had to leave early again this morning to finish up his seminar at church.  The kids and I headed to the west side to Korean language class.  Ian fell asleep in the car just as we arrived at the kids class and continued to sleep until shortly after 1pm.  It was nice to come home, put him in bed, and rest.  I am still trying to recover from mono, which has been a long road.  I tire very easy and often feel crummy.  My body is definitely telling me to slow down and take time to rest.  If my mind would agree with my body, it would be much easier.  
Justin picked the kids up from Korean lessons and after arriving home, got ready to go on a shopping date with Cami.  She received money from Grandpa Ron for Valentine's day and is excited to go and spend it.  She has many plans for her money including new red sparkling shoes, a new toothbrush, a toy, lots of pretty dresses, and treats.  Unfortunately I don't think she realizes that all of her desires will cost more than what she holds in her puppy purse.  No matter what, I am sure that she will have a wonderful time on her daddy date. 
We look forward to a relaxing evening at home and church and relaxing tomorrow.  Have a wonderful Valentine's day!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Slow moving

It has been a tough few weeks at the Marthaler house.  Dana found out she had mono about 2 weeks ago.  With high fevers and being more tired than normal for a few weeks prior to going to the doctor, she finally got an answer to what was going on.  It is tough having mommy on mostly bedrest.  The doctor stated that the more she rests, the quicker she will heal.  The same is true with her doing a lot means the healing will take a long time.  Dana does not enjoy sitting in bed.  It is tough to leave everything to Justin.  Justin does a great job taking care of the kids, Dana, and the house, but Dana is not one that easily lets go.  We have been blessed with our friend Jason coming over for a few days last week and this week.  Justin's parents also came down this past weekend to help out. The homemade meals are always appreciated and enjoyed!  The kids LOVE having grandma and grandpa to play with.  We were also able to see Dana's brother and sister in law, Mike and Allison, this past weekend as they were in town for Mike's work. The visit was short, but it is always nice to spend time with them.  It is going to be tough for several more weeks as Dana is limited in what she is allowed to do. She is told to rest, rest, and more rest.  Please keep us in your prayers, especially Justin as he is now responsible for his work, the kids, Dana, and cooking and cleaning the house.  Any help is appreciated!
I included a few pictures from the week.  The kids enjoyed being out in the snow.  Ian even enjoyed helping daddy shovel the side of the driveway.  Allison and Mike were able to spend some time at the house.  The kids loved being able to see them.  Grandma and Grandpa keep busy with the kids when they come over. The kids always have a dozen things on their list of what they want to do with them.