Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Monday, March 23, 2009

Sick again!

This past week has been really hard.  Ian had a cough for a few days which escalated into a high fever. We took him into the doctor on Tuesday.  He had an ear infection and was prescribed antibiotics.  The nurse called in the afternoon and encouraged us to come back in for a chest xray since she could hear Ian's cough was much worse than the morning.  We were back to the doctor on Thursday for another chest xray and 2 high dose antibiotic shots in his legs to try to help him improve.  The doctor found pneumonia and had us come back in on Friday to evaluate if the shots helped.  He was also be monitored for dehydration since he had not kept anything down (the little he did take in) due to the nonstop coughing.  On Friday he had another double dose of antibiotic shots in his legs (poor guy) and lots of prayers that this would work or we would be spending Saturday in the Children's ER.  Justin and Ben flew to Ohio on Saturday morning to see Grandpa Ron and Jean and for Paul and Stephanie's son's baptism and Ian, Cami, and I stayed in our pajamas and watched movies most of the day.  Ian coughed the day away, but started drinking small amounts of juice.  We spent Saturday night in the rocking chair, continuing the nebulizer treatments every 2 hours to help him breathe.  Thankfully, by Sunday afternoon he seemed to turn a corner.  Justin  and Ben returned late last night.  
Another trip to the doctor this morning and Ian is getting better.  He still has a strong wheeze and pneumonia, but it is not as bad as it was last week.  We are thankful that God helped us get through this, although we are wondering why our family has been struck with illness since the beginning of January.  I know there is probably a lesson in this, but I guess I will have to wait to find out.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Our boy is 2...really 2!

Ian and Justin coloring over Ian's name in Korean

Cami, Ian, and Ben in their Hanboks
Ben getting ready to learn how to do a traditional Korean bow.
Ian sitting patiently watching others do the Korean bow.

About 2 weeks ago Ian turned 2 years old.  Since then, he has turned into a full blown 2 year old!  He enjoys challenging us.  He has a limited vocabulary, although he has recently learned the word, "no".  He has found that he has power in being able to say that.  His vocabulary is taking off and it is so much fun as he discovers new words!  

We celebrated the Korean New Year on March 7.  The kids enjoyed dressing up in their Hanboks (traditional Korean dress) and playing Korean games, learning the traditional Korean bow, and most of all eating the deliciously prepared Korean food.  The ladies from the Korean church do such a wonderful job!  

We pray for health for everyone as our household has yet to have a complete week of everyone being healthy!  Let's pray for warmer weather soon!