Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Monday, May 25, 2009

Fun Filled Weekend

Last Thursday was the end of the school year for Ben and Cami.  This fall, Cami will be entering Kindergarten and Ben will be in the first grade.  They will both be gone full days.  It is going to be a hard transition this fall losing both of them to the school system.  

Since Thursday was a half day for their last day of school, we headed up to Wisconsin Dells.  We met our friends, Becca and Bill and their kids Caleb, Abby, and Liam.  The kids had fun splashing around at the hotel pool and later walking around downtown Dells and looking at the boats.

On Friday, we spent the afternoon at the Wilderness waterparks.  They went down waterslides, played in the wave pool, climbed on all the play structures in the water, and later played in the dry area play area.  They had a fun filled and tiring day.  

On Saturday, our friends Kris and Jason and their kids Jared and Kelly, met us at the hotel.  The kids enjoyed more playmates.  They spent several hours in the hotel waterpark.   We checked out of the hotel and the kids quickly fell asleep on the ride back to Madison.  Kris and Jason met us back at our house.  The sitter arrived around 3pm to watch all 5 kids (very brave girl) so the 4 adults could head to an Adoption seminar in Stoughton.  The kids were happy to have the afternoon and evening to play together.

We feel very blessed to have had time together with good friends. We are thankful for beautiful weather and a great time and safe travel.  We are looking forward to spending the rest of the long weekend together as a family.  Below are a few pictures of the kids with their teachers from this year and pictures from our trip to the Dells.  Enjoy your weekend!

Friday, May 15, 2009


I am asking for your vote for the Clairol Hair Color Contest. The person with the most votes wins a trip to California. I would love the opportunity to fly out there to see my brother, sister in law, and the kids. You can vote one time per day until June 1 at http://www.totalbeauty.com/clairol/WI/241/dana

Please let your friends and family know.
Thank you again for your support.

August 18, 2009
I found out June 3 (my birthday) that our group WON the contest. Out of 35,000 people, we won the grand prize. We will be heading to L.A. in January for The People's Choice Awards!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Airplane watching

We like to keep our days fun, so today we headed over to the Jet Room with another mom and her son for lunch after we picked up Cami from school.  The kids enjoyed watching the airplanes outside.  With the rainy and cloudy weather, it wasn't a great day for watching airplanes, but the kids were thrilled to see the few that they did see.  They were also excited to be able to wave to a pilot before he got on his Cessna aircraft.

After eating, the waitress gave each of the kids a plastic airplane to put together.  Ian flew his "Whee" (aka airplane) around the waiting area of the charter building.  

We have a little over a week left until school is out for the summer.  We are praying for decisions to be made on the call of a new kindergarten teacher.  We pray that the decision is made soon by the school and the person called to the teaching position.  
We look forward to a fun, yet relaxing summer.  This will be the first summer in many years that we don't have Dana's work schedule to work around.  We can't wait to spend time together as a family with all of you, our friends and family.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

End of Korean language for the summer

Saturday was the last day of the semester for Ben and Cami's Korean language class.  There was a tea for the parents followed by a performance by the children.  We feel very blessed that the kids have the opportunity to learn Korean language by people that really care about them.

After Korean class, the family headed up north to celebrate our neice, Natalie, second birthday.  The kids enjoyed running around and playing with grandma and grandpa.  It was a short trip as we came back on Sunday.  No matter the length of time, it is always a fun and relaxing trip.