Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Monday, February 28, 2011

Ian's Birthday Weekend

My baby is 4 years old. The time has flown the last 3+ years. We remember the woman who gave him life. We are extremely thankful for his selflessness of placing her child. We pray that she has the comfort of knowing that her child is loved and cherished.

Grandma Sandy, Grandpa Neil, Uncle Joe, Aunt Keri, and Natalie came to celebrate with us. Uncle Mike was even in town for work, so he was able to come and celebrate with us. Upon Ian's request, we went to Red Robin for dinner to enjoy some burgers and french fries.

After dinner, we headed home for dessert. Ian requested Grandma to make him a fire truck, dinosaur, airplane, choo choo birthday cake. As always, Grandma exceeded expectations and made an amazing cake! Ian was a VERY happy boy!

Thursday, February 17, 2011


What a crazy week in Madison. With the unions being challenged and wages and bargaining threatened, public employees from all over the State came out to Madison in full for protesting. Madison schools were cancelled Wednesday and today and will likely be cancelled again tomorrow. While I believe that people should be treated fairly, is is fair that the unions told the superintendent of the schools to cancel school? How is that fair to the children who are suppose to be there to learn and the parents who now have to take sick days while their kids are home?

I am extremely thankful for my children's teachers who choose to teach despite the low salary and benefits they receive compared to the public schools.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Happy Birthday Great Grandpa

Happy 90th Birthday Great Grandpa Meier!
We love you!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow Day!!!

The snow came falling down! Well over a foot of snow fell in 24 hours. This was after several inches fell the day before. The wind blew and blew, which made it difficult for the plows to effectively plow the roads. Schools were called off since the roads were too dangerous to drive on. The kids enjoyed a day off from school. They even braved the blustery weather in order to climb around in the mounds of snow.

A look out our back door
Ben loved being out in the deep, deep snow

A Princess in the Snow