Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Saturday, January 12, 2008

In love....

We had an amazing time with Ian today. It was such a treat being able to both be home with him. It was so nice to have some time with both of us just doting on him. I think he enjoyed that as well. It was fun to play with him and help him walk and stand. We were able to take extra time to hold him, rock him, and just talk to him. We had fun just getting to know him a little bit better and him getting to know us better. He just looks up at our faces as if he is thinking, "they are not too bad".

I love my son with all of my heart. I am constantly amazed by how my love grows for him everyday. It has been such a blessing being able to spend everyday with him. I love being home and know that it is going to break my heart when I go back to work. I just try to remember that I need to work just a few months before Ian is officially adopted then I am blessed to receive another 5 months of leave from Midwest. It will be nice to have the summer off to enjoy with the kids and to be able to spend time with friends and family.
Ian wore his Packer outfit today (something of Ben's that fit him) to cheer the Packers to victory!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What an incredibly beautiful picture of Dana and Ian! I can totally feel the love! It's just glowing all around them both. Hugs!
