Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Going Back to Work

In just over a week, I will be heading back to work. I have enjoyed having the last 4 months off to spend with my family. I find great joy in taking care of my children. It is a lot of work and often tiring and frustrating, but worth every moment. While I am excited to get back to flying and have some adult conversation and do something I enjoy doing, I am also a little sad. I know I will miss my family terribly when I am gone. I am thankful that I have a really nice schedule that allows me to be home on Monday and Wednesday by noon and all day Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. I am also thankful that the kids will get some daddy time next month as Justin takes on the job of caring for our children and our house when I am flying. It will be a challenge, but I know he will do a great job. While we would love to use his vacation time for a vacation, it is worth the sacrafice in order to have him stay with the kids. They will get some great bonding time! I think it will also be good for Ian since he hasn't taken to a babysitter yet.

We do have some good news. Ian has been diaper rash free for over a week. Thank you Rosie, a friend from Justin's work, for giving us Calmoseptine cream to try. What a difference. We tried about a dozen different creams for him and a few prescriptions, none cleared the rash until now. She is a true blessing. I was willing to try it, but also not very hopeful since we have tried so many creams and diapers, etc. We are happy and Ian is even happier. No more crying out in pain when we have diaper changes and no more going diaper free for hours hoping to clear it up! Thank You Thank You Thank You!

Here are a few pictures from the last few days...

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Almost Easter

We are only days away from Easter and the kids could not be more excited. They know the story of Jesus death and resurrection, but at this age, they are more excited about the Easter bunny coming. Ben was very concerned today that Ian does not have an Easter basket. He is always thoughtful of his sister and brother. He was worried that Ian won't get any treats from the Easter bunny this year without a basket. I told him not to worry about it, that we would make sure that Ian had something for the easter bunny to put his treats in (not that he will be able to eat most of what the "bunny" brings. I am sure that mommy and daddy will happily help him eat any treats that may come.
Last week we enjoyed a visit from Grandpa Ron, Dana's dad. The kids always enjoy a visit from their grandparents. They enjoy spending time with Grandpa Ron playing in the basement, going to Chuck E. Cheese and this time a special treat to go to Toys R Us. Seeing the pure joy in their faces when we walked into Toys R Us and hearing their squeals of excitement was definitely worth any price paid! They were so excited that they could barely contain themselves. Ian wasn't sure to make of all of it, but had a blast standing in the back of the cart while we strolled around the store. Ian found a small ball that he could reach from the cart and happily played with it the entire time we were in the store. Needless to say, we brought the little ball home and he still enjoys playing with it. He likes that it is easy to grasp. It was a good visit and the kids were sad to see grandpa go.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Time for colds

Another week has gone by and I wonder where it went. It seems that the time is going by too fast. Ian has been home more than 3 months now and I often wonder how we lived without him. He just fits so perfectly into our family. It is proof that God does have your child/children picked out for you. I can't express how blessed I feel to be Ben, Cami, and Ian's mom. My heart just aches when I am away from them. I love them more than I can express.

We have just spent the last several days battling colds. Ben and Cami seem to be doing ok with theirs, but Ian has had 3 nights of little sleep as he battles a slight cold, big fever, the never ending diaper rash (ok so it stopped for a few days and now it is back) and either nightmares or other pain we are unaware of. With the little sleep he has gotten, mom and dad are very sleepy as well. Sleeplessness mixed a cold ourselves doesn't always make for the most fun days. The kids and Justin went to Eastside for church this morning for the kids singing then ran errands while Ian and I stayed home. Ian slept on and off, mostly crying while he was awake. It was a long 3 hours, but I am glad that I was able to be here to comfort him and hold him both while he was awake and while he slept. I know this time will pass and I just want to take it all in and be there to hold him and to show him that I love him. Ben and Cami have done a great job at showing him extra love during this hard time. They love to give him kisses, hugs, and they love trying to make him laugh. They also run to get a little Christmas book that lights up and plays music. He loves that and helps to calm him down. We were definitely blessed with amazing kids.

Now we continue to pray for patience and guidance in helping us be the best parents that we can be.