Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Almost Easter

We are only days away from Easter and the kids could not be more excited. They know the story of Jesus death and resurrection, but at this age, they are more excited about the Easter bunny coming. Ben was very concerned today that Ian does not have an Easter basket. He is always thoughtful of his sister and brother. He was worried that Ian won't get any treats from the Easter bunny this year without a basket. I told him not to worry about it, that we would make sure that Ian had something for the easter bunny to put his treats in (not that he will be able to eat most of what the "bunny" brings. I am sure that mommy and daddy will happily help him eat any treats that may come.
Last week we enjoyed a visit from Grandpa Ron, Dana's dad. The kids always enjoy a visit from their grandparents. They enjoy spending time with Grandpa Ron playing in the basement, going to Chuck E. Cheese and this time a special treat to go to Toys R Us. Seeing the pure joy in their faces when we walked into Toys R Us and hearing their squeals of excitement was definitely worth any price paid! They were so excited that they could barely contain themselves. Ian wasn't sure to make of all of it, but had a blast standing in the back of the cart while we strolled around the store. Ian found a small ball that he could reach from the cart and happily played with it the entire time we were in the store. Needless to say, we brought the little ball home and he still enjoys playing with it. He likes that it is easy to grasp. It was a good visit and the kids were sad to see grandpa go.

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