Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Thursday, April 3, 2008

In Sickness and In Health

Cami and Ian watching people dance.

Justin and Keri dancing

Cami and Ben dancing at Keri and Joe's reception

We had a wonderful weekend up north by Justin's parents. His sister, Keri, and her husband, Joe, renewed their wedding vows. They were married last year and had a ceremony and reception with friends and family this past Saturday. We always enjoy heading up north. This was Ian's first time at Grandma Sandy and Grandpa Neil's house. Unfortunately, it was not as enjoyable as it could have been. He started with a little cold late last week and was full blown by the weekend. He was not himself with a cough, sneeze, and runny nose. We left Sunday afternoon for Madison and by evening things went down hill. Ian had a tough time sleeping. He was wheezing and coughing almost constantly. The kids and I took him into the doctor on Monday morning and were sent home with an inhaler. Things only got worse, so after calling the nurse later, the doctor prescribed Prednisone to help his breathing. Last night Justin and I were both up with Ian multiple times for his coughing. It is painful to hear your baby cough and then say "Ow" everytime. It hurts me hearing him hurt so bad when he coughs. The little food that he did consume over the last few days usually came back up when he would go into a coughing fit.

We headed back to the doctor this afternoon. After a nebulizer treatment, chest xray, and lots and lots of crying and coughing, we had a diagnosis...Bronchitis. We have new medication and a home nebulizer to get him through the next 48 hours. We hope to see major improvements by tomorrow night.

Tomorrow I head back to work. I was originally scheduled to start on Sunday, but as Justin says, "I have a schedule change addiction". Since I have access to my schedule and an online program allowing options to drop a trip, change a trip, or pick up a trip, I find myself trying to play around with my schedule. Even though I have a great schedule for April, there were still changes that could be made. I was able to pick up this trip and get rid of a 2 day trip plus I thought it would be easier starting back with a redeye to Las Vegas where expectations are not as high as a morning flight to Orlando. I love the Vegas crowd since they are usually all happy going out and most are sleep deprived and hung over coming back, which means they sleep. I know this is a stereotype, but one that has been true for the many Las Vegas redeyes I have done over the years.

On Saturday we are headed to the westside of Madison for a Cops and Kids event our Korean group is going to . I have been working on some of the PR for this event and am happy to hear today that channels 3 and 15 are going to attend. We are also going to have the Badger Herald attend and possibly the Wisconsin State Journal. This is pretty exciting since it will be the first time our Korean group has had any big spotlight.
Have a wonderful weekend. I will upload pictures of the Cops and Kids event next week.

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