Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Justin

Ian helps daddy with his drink at Red Robin
Cami and Ben help daddy finish his birthday sundae at Red Robin
Cami and Grandma bring daddy's Birthday dessert of Peach pie to the picnic table
Ian points to the piece of pie that he wants.
Today we celebrate Justin's 33rd birthday. Neil and Sandy were able to come down early this morning and spend the day with us. They will head home tomorrow. Justin and Neil spent part of the morning installing a new kitchen faucet as our old one had problems with leaking. It is a nice tall Kohler faucet. The kids went to their Korean language class in the morning and Ian slept, so Justin and Neil had no distractions as they did their installation. The kids were eager to go back home and see grandma and grandpa. Ben and Cami chose to go to Red Robin as daddy's birthday present. It is one of their favorite restaurants, so they thought it would be the perfect present for daddy (and a nice treat for them). For dessert we had Grandma Sandy's homemade Peach pie and Blueberry pie. Justin asked for pie instead of cake since Peach and Blueberry pies are some of his favorites. We are looking forward to a relaxing day tomorrow with church and then Justin has a massage scheduled in the afternoon.

Justin relaxes in the backyard after an enjoyable birthday.

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