Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Monday, November 24, 2008

Oregon Trail

Friday morning around 6am, we left for Milwaukee to start our journey to Eugene Oregon to see my mom and Bruce. We arrived in Milwaukee and flew to Kansas City, MO and then on to Seattle, WA. We rented a car and drove to Eugene, arriving around 7:30pm. It made for a LONG day, but the kids (and parents too) made it without too much fuss. The kids were so excited to see Aladodo and Papa. They played for a while, ate a snack and then headed to bed. Thankfully we all slept well, even Ian. We spent Saturday relaxing while the kids enjoyed some time with Grandma and Grandpa. They built a cookie Christmas tree, opened lots of presents and played with toys. The day went so fast and it was off to sleep again.
Sunday was a big day as we started off with church in Veneta and then lunch at Our Daily Bread restaurant. The food at the restaurant was so good. It was a real treat. We went back to the house and rested a little and then headed to Junction City for Bruce's Ordination. The church was packed as we arrived. It was a wonderful ceremony and Installation. We enjoyed a delicious dinner after. After the dinner we got in the car and made the 2 hour drive to Portland where we spent the night at a hotel. We are glad we made the drive in order to break up the drive back to Seattle. The kids enjoyed swimming and time in the hot tub before leaving for the Seattle airport. We now sit in the Seattle airport waiting for our flight to arrive. It is on a 2 hour delay, which means we will hopefully make it home by midnight tonight. All in all, it was a great trip! We are also proud to announce that Ben will hit 100,000 miles on this trip. By the time we get to Milwaukee, he will have over 101,000. We will post pictures tomorrow when we get home.

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