Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


It has been a tough week so far. Justin, Ian, and Cami were up north for the weekend and came back Sunday evening. We celebrated Valentine's Day with a special meal that Ben and I made. Ian had come down with a cough on Saturday night, which made for a long night for Justin. Ian was up most of the night on Sunday coughing and again on Monday night. The coughing fits were so bad that we went through several pairs of pajamas and sheets due to the mucus he was vomiting up (sorry for the blunt description). Today I tried to get him into our new clinic (Dean), but had no luck. I considered Urgent Care, but finally called our pediatrician (UW). They fit him in at 11:30am. I had just enough time to pick up Cami, drop her off at the house with our friend Marcia, who came to watch the kids, and get to our appointment. I feel such comfort with our doctor. He knows the kids, knows their medical history, and always knows to tell us when to be concerned and when not to be. I learned a lot about RSV and learned that it is rapidly spreading now. Most of their appointments were due to the same symptoms as Ian. RSV is something to be be careful of, but in most cases, it is not serious. For Ian, he has a history of asthma and had pneumonia in both lungs last year and was almost hospitalized. My instruction was to keep a close eye on him and come right back in if there are any changes. Last year his pneumonia started as a really bad cough and within a few days it had turned into pneumonia.
For us, we are tired, tired and really tired. I would love a nap, but I don't see that happening for a few days. For now, we are just praying that he gets better quickly!

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