Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

First Day of School

Here are a few highlights from Ben's first day...
When asked how his first day was, he responded "AWESOME" as he jumped up and down.
When asked what the favorite part of the day was, he answered "recess"

Ben ready to walk into school to start his day

Ben's 2nd grade teacher (was Cami's Kindergarten teacher last year)

Excited to see friends

End of the first day

It is hard to believe that we have a 1st and a 2nd grader. Where did all the time go? Ben was up and ready to go by a little after 7am. Justin stayed home and made a special breakfast of strawberry crepes and sausage. He even had whipped cream, which was a special request from Ben. We had one problem this morning....Cami had a 102 degree fever. At the Parent/Student meeting last night at ALCS, Cami was more fidgety than normal. She complained that she was cold. I kept reminding her that we will bring a sweater for her to keep at school. Then I touched her. Ouch! She was on fire. She was freezing, yet her body was a temp of 103.5. It was a long, hot/cold night and the morning did not bring the relief we had hoped for. She was devastated, but knew that she did not have enough energy, even if she was allowed to go. She and Ian would stay home with dad while mom took Ben to his first day of school.

The day went by quickly as we made a trip to the doctor for a throat culture, thankfully negative. We are praying that God heals Cami and Ian quickly.

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