Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Friday, October 15, 2010

Jerry's Apple Orchard

Ian is proud of his caterpillar

Ian posing with the pumpkins and gourds
Today I headed out with Chloe, Ben H, Mimi, and Ian to go to the Pumpkin farm. I decided to try somewhere new. We headed out and followed the signs 10 miles from our house down Hwy TT. The pumpkin farm was just that...a farm with pumpkins. I had thought with all the great signs they had up everywhere that they would offer a little more than just pumpkins. We walked around and looked at the pumpkins, took a few pictures then headed back to the van. We headed to a place off of TT and Hwy N called Jerry's Apple Orchard. We went there late in the season last year and enjoyed looking at the animals. The kids enjoyed playing in the wagon, looking at the animals, and checking out the apples. We enjoyed our morning out and picked up a few treats for the afternoon, including caramel apples!

Mommy check out the donkey. Her name is Suzy.

Look at the bunnies

Ian loved playing with the wagons.

Ian is proud to show off his caterpillar

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