Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Saturday, August 27, 2011

As heard from Ian today...

Ian: Daddy, when you are dead, can I have your baseball glove?
Daddy: How about you use it when I am not dead
Ian: Uh...alright.

Ian: Mommy, when we have a fire, will you get all my binkies (aka blankets)
Mommy: Ian, hopefully we will never have a fire.
Ian: Well, when we do, will you get all my binkies and meet me outside
Mommy: Let's pray to Jesus and ask him to keep the fire away (we said a little prayer asking Jesus to keep our family and our house safe from fire)
Ian: So, you will get my binkies safe from the fire and meet me outside, right???
Mommy: Yes sweetheart, I will.
Ian: Ok Mommy, I love you the best!

Monday, August 15, 2011


Earlier this summer I purchased a coupon from one of the "better than half price" sites. A friend of mine and I have been looking for coupons to use toward fun things to do over the summer. We both purchased on for a pottery place. Week after week we talked about putting a pottery date on the calendar. My childcare has been full which means most days I am unable to go anywhere. I enjoy this, yet I sometimes feel trapped in being able to take the kids to fun places like the pottery place. Finally this week we decided to go. We headed to the west side after lunch. We arrived and spent about 20 minutes trying to pick out a piece for each of the kids (my 3 and 2 of my daycare kids). The kids had such a great time expressing themselves with the paint. Ben made a bowl and Cami made a princess mirror. They both have amazing artistic ability that I can only dream of having. Ian painted away. I love how carefree he is. He just paints away, loving every minute of it. I love that! We have to leave it there until next week. I can't wait to see how they turn out. The kids are so proud and so is their mom!