Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Saturday, August 27, 2011

As heard from Ian today...

Ian: Daddy, when you are dead, can I have your baseball glove?
Daddy: How about you use it when I am not dead
Ian: Uh...alright.

Ian: Mommy, when we have a fire, will you get all my binkies (aka blankets)
Mommy: Ian, hopefully we will never have a fire.
Ian: Well, when we do, will you get all my binkies and meet me outside
Mommy: Let's pray to Jesus and ask him to keep the fire away (we said a little prayer asking Jesus to keep our family and our house safe from fire)
Ian: So, you will get my binkies safe from the fire and meet me outside, right???
Mommy: Yes sweetheart, I will.
Ian: Ok Mommy, I love you the best!

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