Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or Treat

Happy Halloween
from a race car driver, pirate, and a princess witch

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Mommy and Kids weekend

Daddy and our friend Brian flew to Las Vegas for the weekend to run the Hoover Dam marathon. The kids and I decided it would be fun to get out of the house and have some fun. Since we have not been bowling since summer, we thought it would be a perfect way to spend an afternoon.
My kids are great bowlers! They have such passion. They are encouraging to each other and celebrate each pin as they are knocked down. Mommy enjoyed watching since my back is no longer up for that type of activity.
We missed daddy, but know that he is having a great time in Las Vegas!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Ian's Alphabet

Today we got a special note in Ian's backpack...
Ian wrote the entire alphabet in his journal at Sandburg today!

We are so proud of Ian for working so hard in school!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A Day to Play

With Ian in 3 different schools, time with him seems to be limited. He has 6 weeks off from Phonology, so we are down to 2 schools. Today he went to Eastside and is suppose to go to 4K for the afternoon. It turned out to be a bright and sunny day after the forecast stated it was suppose to be a little chilly and rainy. I decided that we would stay home and hang out for the afternoon. We ate lunch then headed outside to enjoy the weather. Ian practiced riding his bike, took a spin on his big wheel, and practiced on the scooter. We played basketball together. Ian scored lots of "touchdowns"(I smiled as I reminded him that they were baskets). We came inside played legos for a while then looked at our newest photo album from Shutterfly. The afternoon is almost over and it is time to get Ben and Cami from school.
I love my job. As difficult as it is some days and as much driving that I do on a weekly basis, I wouldn't trade it for anything! I love my kids and am thankful that I get to be the one to take them to school, pick them up, and spend the mornings and the evenings with them. I may not be a perfect mom, but I try my best and pray that the kids know that they are loved and valued.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

My Story Lifebooks

We ordered a template from My Story Lifebooks several weeks ago. I have been meaning to start the kids Lifebooks, but wasn't sure how to start or where to begin. A friend had posted something on Facebook about this template, so I checked out the Facebook page. WOW! This is exactly what I needed to get moving on making the kids Lifebooks. I started with Ian's book. I am almost done! I just need a few more pictures to be scanned in and put in the book. My next book will be Cami's and then Ben's.
Check out this site.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Teaching our Daughters

I saw this posted on Facebook and I pray that we are able to teach Cami that she is worth so much in our eyes and in God's eyes. We pray that she is blessed with a godly husband who will always treasure her.
We also pray that we can teach this to our sons.