Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A Day to Play

With Ian in 3 different schools, time with him seems to be limited. He has 6 weeks off from Phonology, so we are down to 2 schools. Today he went to Eastside and is suppose to go to 4K for the afternoon. It turned out to be a bright and sunny day after the forecast stated it was suppose to be a little chilly and rainy. I decided that we would stay home and hang out for the afternoon. We ate lunch then headed outside to enjoy the weather. Ian practiced riding his bike, took a spin on his big wheel, and practiced on the scooter. We played basketball together. Ian scored lots of "touchdowns"(I smiled as I reminded him that they were baskets). We came inside played legos for a while then looked at our newest photo album from Shutterfly. The afternoon is almost over and it is time to get Ben and Cami from school.
I love my job. As difficult as it is some days and as much driving that I do on a weekly basis, I wouldn't trade it for anything! I love my kids and am thankful that I get to be the one to take them to school, pick them up, and spend the mornings and the evenings with them. I may not be a perfect mom, but I try my best and pray that the kids know that they are loved and valued.

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