Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Thursday, November 10, 2011

As heard in Eastside Preschool...

Something pretty cool today...
Ian's teacher, Mrs. Novotny, stopped me today when I was dropping off Chloe. She stated that during preschool yesterday, she asked the kids to tell her some of the jobs their moms and dads do. Some kids stated that mom cleans the house, dad works in an office, etc. Ian raised his hand and told her that "My mom and dad give money to people that don't have any money"
Wow! While we don't give handouts to everyone, we do try to teach the kids to give to those who are less fortunate. I don't think they understand completely what that means or why, but someday they will.
What a blessing to have a teacher tell you something positive, especially on a day when my youngest child was a little challenging and this mom's frustration grew and patience lessened.

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