Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Doctor Visit

We had a challenging time at the doctor yesterday. We arrived at Ian's first official physical with our pediatrician, Dr. Yu. Ian is very healthy and the ear infection is gone...hooray! The visit went well until we found out that he needed 2 more vaccines and a TB skin test, which is part of his routine adoption checkup. Ian just fell asleep and in came the nurse to do the TB skin test then another nurse to help with the two injections. Needless to say, we had a VERY unhappy baby. To top things off, we had to get blood drawn, 7 vials of blood, and a chest x-ray. Not a fun afternoon. Thankfully the kids were able to be at school until 3, so they did not have to be at the doctors office with us. It would have been hard to keep them occupied and happy for 2 hours.

We are settling in and getting into a little routine now. He is teething, so there is still some discomfort with that. He is enjoying having a sister and brother (at least most of the time). We are looking forward to Christmas and New Years. We hope to see family and friends over the next few weeks so that we can introduce Ian to the many people that have been praying for him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel for you! Here's wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a blessed 2008! Love and hugs!
