Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy New Year!

Above : Ian is looking at Paul Kyle, one of his godfathers.
Below: Caleb, Cami, and Ian sitting on the couch on New Year's Eve.

It has been a busy few weeks as we are still adjusting to having 3 kids. It is definitely a challenge getting 3 kids ready in the morning and out the door in the freezing cold before 8am to get either Ben or Cami to school on time. We are slowly trying to figure it out.

Our house was in full swing on New Year's Eve as we were lucky enough to find 2 babysitters for 7 kids, all who are under the age of 5, so we could go out to dinner with some friends. Chris and Jim, Kris and Jason, Becca and Bill, and Justin and I headed to Prime Quarter for dinner. We enjoyed adult conversation, even though a lot of it was about the kids, and a great dinner. I think it is the first time in a long time that we were able to enjoy more than one course without having to take a child to the bathroom or deal with something else. We arrived home and all the kids were still awake! They had a great time and were sad to see us back.

We will celebrate Ian's baptism on Sunday, January 20. We would love to have our friends and family join us for the celebration at St. Paul Lutheran Church at 2126 N. Sherman Ave., Madison at 10am. There will be a lunch following the service.

We will be posting more pictures soon.

Oh...Ian said Dada today. Justin was very excited. Ian looked right at him and said dada!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My heart totally thrills every time I read your entries. It is indeed a beautiful life with which we've been blessed, isn't it? I love being kept up-to-date on the happenings, challenges included, with the kids. I can only imagine the wings on Justin's heart at hearing Ian call him Dada! I still get all funny inside when I pick up my girls at daycare and see the sheer joy on their faces and hear "Mama, Mama!" Okay, maybe not always....there are those times when it's "You're here already? But Mom, we're just starting on...... It's not fair!" Hee! I guess we all get that, too, huh? Well, I'll close for now. Know that you are in my daily prayers. Lots of love and hugs to you all!