Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Monday, February 4, 2008

Stay at Home Dad

Today I played the role of stay at home Dad. This was the first time I have managed all three kids all day long. Dana was sick with strep throat and the doctor told her (on Sunday) to rest for 48 hours. Dana's n0t very good at being sick and doesn't rest well without prodding so I decided to stay home so she'd have to rest. And she did rest. She didn't get out of bed until 11am and took a few naps throughout the day. She definitely needed the recovery time.

So I made it through the day and it went quite well. The kids were really good today so it made things quite a bit easier. And even though Dana slept most of the day, I got off easy because I could leave Ben home with I dropped off Cami at preschool and could leave Ian sleep while I picked her up. Just having Dana in the house made my job at least 20% easier.

Ian was in a good mood most of the day. He got two great naps. I enjoyed the extra time we got to spend together. I probably held him more today than any day since he's been home. Ben and Cami both took a nap. We played hide and seek and read some stories. My prayers for extra patience were answered by kids who listened well. The kids had fairly nutritious home cooked meals that didn't include mac & cheese, frozen pizza, or leftover takeout. The house looks about as good as it did when we woke up this morning, I got a few loads of laundry done (although Dana did the folding.. as I said, she's not very good at being sick), the kids are still alive, and I found time to post to the blog!

Hopefully Dana will feel much better tomorrow. I enjoyed the day at home with the kids, but staying home doesn't pay the bills. I give Dana a lot of credit for running our household and keeping the kids going in the right direction. I've always known it's a lot of work, but playing the role, even for a day, drives the point home. I think I could handle being a stay at home dad if the flight attendant biz was more of a family sustaining career. But for now, I'll do the full time out of house working and Dana can continue to find ways to stay employeed while working as little as possible which is fine with me.

So the day is done and this Dad needs to rest.

1 comment:

Rosie O'Hearn said...

Mac & cheese, frozen pizza, or leftover takeout? That sounds like the meals at our house most of the time! That made me laugh. As do your comments about the kids being alive.....I KNOW exactly how you must feel. They make me laugh, cry, yell a little, and get frustrated, they make me want to pull out my hair, but mostly they make me feel blessed as I know you feel, too! I do so love reading your blog! Hugs for the kids and you and Dana, Justin!
