Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

First Day of School 2008

Ben's first project

We made it through the first day of school. I am surprised that I did not cry until he brought his first project home. It is a picture of his hand with a heart and a picture of our family and it says...

It's my first day of school And "The Kissing Hand" is what we read.

It's about a raccoon Who did just as his parents said.

Like the racoon's first day at school I was scared and a little shy,

But because of what you said I was brave and I got by.

All through the year I'll make more things for you

So as I change and as I learn you can see my growth, too!
Our little boy is growing up and officially in the school system. They are right when you are told that time goes quickly and too soon the child will start school and that is where they will spend most of their time for the next 15 or so years.

The kids were up bright and early this morning to get ready for school. Justin stayed home and made a special Daddy breakfast of strawberry filled crepes. We all went to the opening service, which Ian had a hard time putting up with. Ben was confident and excited about getting his school supplies put away and meeting his new friends. After a few pictures and a few kisses in the hand (both his and mine), he was officially into his first day of school.
Cami walked in her classroom like she owned the place. She was so excited to be back. She adores her teacher, Miss Howell. She was also excited to see many of her friends from last year. The preschoolers did not attend opening service with the K-8 classes. We checked in on her, through the classroom window, after the service and she was playing with her friends in the kitchen area (one of her favorite areas). Justin took Ian home and they both enjoyed a much needed nap. I was able to have breakfast with a friend whose daughter is in Ben's class. It was nice to be able to go out and celebrate the first day of our child going to kindergarten. Her daughter, Morgan, and Ben were in preschool together last year. We enjoyed some adult time and then I came home so that Justin could head to the Brewer's game with a coworker and I could pick up Cami from preschool.
Ben was excited that his job this week is to be line leader. He enjoys being the leader, so it was a good fit. End of the day playing outside on the swingset. We also played baseball and took a walk around the block. Mommy made some Vanilla Bean Chillers for dessert after our walk.

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