Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Monday, August 31, 2009

First Week of School

Last week the kids headed off to school. Monday night we had orientation while the kids got to check out their classrooms and meet the kids in their class. It is a big change for us. After 3 years at Eastside Lutheran, the kids are now attending Abundant Life Christian School (www.alcs.us)
Ben was ready to go the first day of school. He was glad that a friend of his from Eastside was also attending Abundant Life. Cami got up bright and early to get dressed so she could go to Kindergarten. Ben was great at encouraging Cami with starting Kindergarten. He told her about all of the things she would learn and the friends that she would meet.

Cami was proud to have her big brother across the hall from her classroom. She was also VERY proud to have her very own desk.
Ben's class was quiet as they all anxiously awaited the start of the school day.
Cami posed for one last picture with mommy before going into class.

Ian got into the action by playing with some of the toys in the Kindergarten classroom. He wanted to stay and play.
A quick pose with mom and dad. Such a big girl!
Cami is attending half day 5 year old Kindergarten with Mrs. Tiradani and Ben is in First grade with Miss Rohrer. They were both so excited about starting school on Tuesday that they got very little sleep Monday night.

Cami's teacher, Mrs. Tiaradani

Ben's teacher, Miss Rohrer

Cami with her teacher after the first day of Kindergarten.
Ben after his first day of 1st grade.

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