Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Moving toward Christmas

Bell ringing to Christmas programs, another week full of things to do!

These last two weeks have been filled with constant activity. We enjoyed a snowstorm two Wednesdays ago. It was a beautiful sight to see and we especially enjoyed the day off from school. I get just as excited when the kids school is cancelled. I look forward to spending time with them. Since schools were cancelled and clinics were closed, we did not have any additional kids over to our house that day. We spent the day decorating the Christmas tree and house. It was nice to sit back and relax. The days following the snowstorm were not as enjoyable. The city of Madison did not do a good job plowing, so the roads were bumpy and full of ice. Since we were rear ended a week prior to the snowstorm, we were driving a rental minivan. It is stressful enough driving your own vehicle in bad conditions, but the stress goes even higher driving someone else's car. We got stuck twice in snow, but were extremely thankful for the people that helped push out out.

Last week we enjoyed Ben and Cami's Christmas program. They were scheduled to have it the night the storm started, so they had to reschedule it. The school did A Kids Classical Christmas. It was a great performance by all. We especially enjoyed the kindergarten classes say their lines out of order. They had such excitement in their voices that it did not matter that the lines were not in order.

Ben and Austin building a snow fort

On Wednesday, Austin and Mike flew to Milwaukee. Mike was here to visit a few churches about Free Wheelchair Mission. Austin was able to come with Mike and enjoy a father/son trip. Ben was so excited to spend time with his cousin. Austin and Mike had come from 70 degree weather into piles of snow and 17 degrees. What a change! Austin fits right into the cold. He was eager to go outside and play with Ben in the snow. We bought him a pair of boots and gave him extra snowpants, hat, and gloves and sent them outside. They had a great time!

On Thursday I was able to chaperon Ben's class to see the production of A Christmas Carol at the Overture Center. The kids did extremely well sitting and watching the 2 hour production. The cast and crew did an amazing job!
Ben's class lines up to go to A Christmas Carol

On Friday we headed to Milwaukee to have a family dinner at Aunt Pam's house. It was a nice get together. We enjoy getting together with our aunts, uncles, and cousins. It was a nice treat for Mike and Austin to spend time with family. The trip to Wisconsin is short for them, so having everyone together in one place to visit is always nice.
Cami showing off her Christmas bag of treats
Ben and Austin at Aunt Pam's house

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