Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

Happy Easter from the Marthaler Family.

This weekend we headed up to Minneapolis to spend an early Easter with Justin's family, aunts, uncles, and cousins. We enjoyed a delicious meal, great conversation, and games. The kids loved playing outside in the beautiful sunshine with their cousins.
With the 5 hour drive, we decided it would be easier on all of us if we stayed in a hotel rather than head back to Madison. The kids LOVE staying in a hotel. They jump on the beds, run around, and swim in the "cold" pool and the "hot" pool. The kids woke up early to find their Easter baskets that were hidden in the hotel room. We went for breakfast then let the kids indulge in one of their treats. We checked out of our hotel and headed to church at Justin's aunt Sharon's church, St. Michaels. The service was amazing, especially with it being Easter. The kids enjoyed the service as well. We were a little nervous at first since we ended up in the second row, right behind the pastor. Thankfully the kids behaved and even participated in some of the service.

To make the 5 hour trip home easier on the kids, we stopped at Dennis and Judy's house in Eau Claire. The kids love playing with Kevin and Renee and we love having the opportunity to spend time with Dennis and Judy with minimal interruptions from the kids. They adore Kevin and Renee, so they get lost in play. We had another delicious meal, great conversation. Justin and Dennis even got to play trains and build train tracks with Ian.
An uneventful trip back to Madison with all the kids exhausted! Out of the car, in the house for teethbrushing, prayers, kisses, and good nights. Tomorrow we start a new day with Justin out of town on business. We also prepare for the kids going back to school on Tuesday and for Ben's birthday party to the Admirals hockey game on Friday!

Here are a few more pictures from our Picture People trip to the mall on Friday...

Ian turned 3 on February 27

Ben turns 7 on April 14

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