Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sesame Street Live w/ Meet and Greet

The kids were ready for their meet and greet with Elmo. We got to the Alliant Energy Center a little early to ensure we made it to the right meeting spot. The kids were very patient as we waited for a few more kids to show up so that we could go down to meet Elmo.

Tammy and Dana took Ian, Chloe, Mimi, and Ben downstairs while everyone else waited upstairs.
The kids took their seats as they waited for Elmo to arrive.

meet and greet sticker
Ian literally jumped out of his seat when Elmo and Grover arrived. He couldn't wait to meet them. There were a few kids ahead of us, so he tried to wait as patiently as he could until it was his turn. When he finally got to go up to meet them, he acted very shy. He finally sat on their lap and gave each of them a big hug.
He was very disappointed when he had to let the next kid go up.
When he got the chance, he ran back up to give Elmo another hug.

the kids posed in front of the Sesame Street picture
posing in front of the souvenir stand
the show is about to being...Elmo's Healthy Heroes
watching with pure excitement

Some characters came out to say hi to the kids. Ian ran up to give a hug and then quickly tried to retreat.

What a fun event! Thanks Bean Sprouts and Sesame Street Live! for the tickets. We had a great time!

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