Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Ben's birthday party

This year we told the kids that we were going to let them help plan their birthday party. We have a small budget and they would be able to help decide what they would like, as long as it fit in the budget. Anything left over, they could have. Ben took to this immediately when his birthday was coming close. He was excited to help find a fun, yet inexpensive way to celebrate. He thought of ideas like having friends over to play the Wii (fun, yet hard to do with more than 2 or 3 people) or have friends over to play outside (another great idea, but hard to do since weather in April is really unpredictable. I gave him the option of going to an Open Swim at the place they have swim lessons. We have several open swim passes that we received when we signed the kids up for lessons.
So, on April 7, along with lots of friends, we headed to swim to celebrate Ben's birthday. We were really fortunate to have the entire place to ourselves. The kids swam then enjoyed some pizza and cupcakes for dessert.

Ian loves the water
Ben is having a great time with his friends!

Time to open presents!
Everyone had a great time!

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