Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Our Big Boy...

About 6 weeks ago we met our son and brought him home. At our first doctor appointment he weighed 18 pounds. Today we headed back to the doctor after 3 long weeks of yucky diaper rash after diaper rash. He now weighs 20 pounds 2 ounces. WOW. I can't believe that he has gained 2 pounds in such a short time. I am constantly amazed by him. I love watching him and holding him and loving him. I managed the doctor with all 3 kids today. We made it with no problems, not even from the snow. It was worth the trip. His poor little bottom just can't recover from the yucky rash. With family and friends coming in this weekend, we figured that now is the time to find an alternative to letting him wander around the house with a naked bum (the only thing that totally seems to help relieve some of the pain from the rash). We are hoping that the stronger prescription cream they gave us will help. They even gave us formula and diaper cream samples to take with us. It makes you feel a little better about spending a bunch of money going to the doctor if you can take home some free samples.

Our not so little bundle of joy is also on the move. He hates to sit still, always wanting to stand or walk while holding your hands. He has also mastered climbing the stairs. He is up the flights of stairs before you realize that he has left the kitchen. What an amazing little boy!

Tomorrow my brother, Mike, and sister in law, Allison, and the kids fly into Milwaukee from southern California. It will be quite a change from the 70 degree weather they are use to. My dad and Jean are also headed in to Milwaukee from Ohio, followed by my mom and Bruce coming in on Saturday. We are looking forward to having family and friends join us to celebrate Ian's baptism this coming Sunday. Please come and join us at 10am at St. Paul Lutheran Church on Sherman Ave. We would love to have you help us celebrate. We will have a lunch after in the lower level fellowship hall.
The kids love being able to play with Ian and share everything that he is learning to do. Ben is especially proud that Ian followed him upstairs to play with him in his room. Cami loves encouraging Ian to stand and she also makes sure he stays out of "trouble". She will take away anything that she deems not acceptable for him to be playing with or not "safe". They are both amazing siblings who love each other and their little brother very much. I feel so blessed that I have the opportunity to be with each of them every day and watch them grow and change...and boy are they growing! I am already dreading going back to work in March. I have already inquired about the possiblity of delaying my return until April just so that I can be home a little longer with them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yep, I'm officially in love with your family, too! I agree, their progress is amazing to see. I can hardly wait until you and Justin decide to have a date at the Fireside in Fort Atkinson, where I live...hint hint, and let me and the girls babysit (see what I mean about amazing progress....I can't believe my girls are 9 1/2 and 6 already)! The kids are gorgeous (and I love seeing the boys in the outfits). I'm so happy for you and please keep the posts coming....I love reading them!