Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Big Decision

Many weeks ago, Midwest Airlines announced that they were going to reduce capacity by 1/3 and layoff about 40% of the workforce. I just finished my 11th year with the company and was happily starting my 12th (my favorite number). I went on leave July 9 when Ian was officially adopted. I am allowed to have 5 months of unpaid maternity/ adoption leave, which is very generous for a union contract. I was looking forward to going back in December. The last few days after learning more about how life will be or could be when I go back in December was a little disheartening. I have been blessed with a beautiful schedule of about 8 -10 days a month, doing mostly redeyes for the last 2 plus years. I have been able to be home 95% of the time with my kids, while working the night flights. Working a few nights a week and going with little or no sleep was fine. Now I learn that going back will most likely mean being on a reserve/ on call schedule 5 days a week, 12 hours a day. I can be called out at any time during those 12 hours to work a trip that lasts anywhere from 1-4 days. If I would make it above the reserve schedule, I would be stuck with 4 day trips, not very desireable. I was reluctant to even think about taking a voluntary leave initially, especially knowing that I have until December. In the last 2 days, however, I realized that I don't want to have a crazy schedule that would keep me away from my husband and kids. It is not fair to them or me. I am thankful that I can maintain my flight benefits (unfortunately I lose the benefits for parents and friends while I am on a layoff) during this time. I am on layoff for up to 2 years, however they can call me back at any time during the 2 years. For those that know me, you know that I LOVE my job. I really enjoy having a job that I am good at and enjoy being at. I REALLY enjoy that I can do something I love for work AND be at home with my family as much as I am. This was a very tough decision for me initially and am thankful to have a loving and supportive husband willing to support me in whatever decision I made. I know I am making the right decision.
Anyway, Justin is gone in Phoenix for a little over 4 days upgrading Strand's new office. He is down there with a few other people, hoping to get everything up and running soon. We definitely miss him. The kids and I have been keeping busy by running errands, playing outside, taking walks, etc. We also went to a different church today. Our friend, Stacy, told us about a great children's Sunday morning program at a church close to our house. Stacy and I went to the service while her son, Hank, and Ben and Cami went to the kids program. They had such a great time. Ian played in the nursery, which was difficult for me. I hate leaving him with people I don't know. I knew he would be safe, but it is still hard to make that break. Ben celebrated the end of summer soccer with an awards ceremony on Thursday. He really enjoyed playing for the first time this summer.
We got exciting news this week that our friends, Jeff and Kerri, became parents to a baby boy. They have a daughter, Katelyn, who is 3 1/2. We are so excited for them and pray for their family as they bring their beautiful little boy home.

We have a fun week in store for us. We are looking forward to Justin coming home early Wednesday morning before we leave for either a day trip or overnight to Minnesota. We plan on going to the Mall of America. Ben and Cami are looking forward to the Lego store so they can play on the lego tables.

We are still recovering from Cami and Ian's parties last weekend. What a wonderful time for everyone. We enjoyed have a little over 60 people come and celebrate with us on Saturday at the Open House. We praise God for safe journeys for all those that traveled near and far to come and celebrate Cami's 4th birthday and Ian's Adoption. We feel so blessed to have so many friends and family that love and support us.

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