Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Boating Weekend

Justin building sand castles with Ben and Kelly...Ian coming to destroy!
Isn't she cute!!!!

Mommy and Ian

Daddy & Ian and Jason & Kelly braving the slightly chilly water.

Ben LOVES going fast on the boat.
Ian and Kelly playing in the sand.

Cami hanging out on the boat.

We had an enjoyable weekend! We were able to go with our friends, Jason and Kris Weber and their children Jared and Kelly, to their cabin in Illinois for the weekend. This was a huge treat as we do not get to go boating very often. God blessed us with a warm and sunny weekend, perfect for time on the water. We enjoyed being able to spend time with them. Ben enjoyed splashing around in the water with Jared. The boys loved the water despite them shivering. Cami enjoyed either sitting on the boat watching or playing in the sand on the beach while the two boys played in the water. Ian was happy as long as he had a truck or car in hand on the sand. He even liked being dipped in the water a few times. I am happy to say that I finally have some color in my skin, no more pale white (at least for now).

This week will be hard as Ben and Cami start school tomorrow, Wednesday. It is a bittersweet day as I see my eldest baby go off to Kindergarten. He is SO excited. He feels like a big boy now. Cami is excited to go to 4 year old preschool. She is going Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, so it will be very different having just me and Ian home those mornings by ourselves. I do look forward to time alone with him in the morning and then spending some girl time with Cami in the afternoons after she is done with school and when Ian is napping. Stay tuned for first day of school photos!

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