Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Monday, January 26, 2009

Cami's Gotcha Day!

Today we celebrate a special day, Cami's Gotcha Day.  It is hard to believe that 4 years ago today, she was placed in our arms to be ours forever.  She has been such a joy in our lives.  We can't imagine not having her in our lives.  We enjoy listening to her sing songs, color pictures, and give lots of hugs and kisses to Ian and any other child that is smaller than her.  She is such a great big sister and little sister.  She looks to Ben for guidance and then is right there with Ian showing him the ropes!  
Justin took off work to fulfill Cami's Gotcha day wishes.  We give each of the kids the ability to choose (within reason) what they would like to do for their Gotcha day. This year Cami wanted to go to daddy's work and hand out cupcakes.  For the past 2 months, she has stuck to this and has not changed her mind.  We made cupcakes on Sunday afternoon and finished up with a second batch on Monday morning.  We ate lunch and then Justin took Cami and Amelia to his work.  Unfortunately there are no pictures of her handing out the cupcakes since Justin was busy watching Ameilia and helping Cami hand out cupcakes that he forgot to take any pictures.  They had a busy afternoon and both girls fell asleep as soon as they got back home.  Even daddy took a rest to recover.   
It has been a tough few days as mom has had to learn to NOT do things around the house.  I was diagnosed with mono and was ordered to rest and take it easy.  That is easier said then done as I am used to constantly be doing things.  It has been a big adjustment.  I am very thankful that I seem to have a milder case of mono as I am not tired all of the time.  I am reminded by the pain in my left side, an enlarged spleen, to take it easy.  Please keep us in your prayers that we learn to slow down and allow time for healing.  This is an especially difficult thing for me to do.  

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