Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Slow moving

It has been a tough few weeks at the Marthaler house.  Dana found out she had mono about 2 weeks ago.  With high fevers and being more tired than normal for a few weeks prior to going to the doctor, she finally got an answer to what was going on.  It is tough having mommy on mostly bedrest.  The doctor stated that the more she rests, the quicker she will heal.  The same is true with her doing a lot means the healing will take a long time.  Dana does not enjoy sitting in bed.  It is tough to leave everything to Justin.  Justin does a great job taking care of the kids, Dana, and the house, but Dana is not one that easily lets go.  We have been blessed with our friend Jason coming over for a few days last week and this week.  Justin's parents also came down this past weekend to help out. The homemade meals are always appreciated and enjoyed!  The kids LOVE having grandma and grandpa to play with.  We were also able to see Dana's brother and sister in law, Mike and Allison, this past weekend as they were in town for Mike's work. The visit was short, but it is always nice to spend time with them.  It is going to be tough for several more weeks as Dana is limited in what she is allowed to do. She is told to rest, rest, and more rest.  Please keep us in your prayers, especially Justin as he is now responsible for his work, the kids, Dana, and cooking and cleaning the house.  Any help is appreciated!
I included a few pictures from the week.  The kids enjoyed being out in the snow.  Ian even enjoyed helping daddy shovel the side of the driveway.  Allison and Mike were able to spend some time at the house.  The kids loved being able to see them.  Grandma and Grandpa keep busy with the kids when they come over. The kids always have a dozen things on their list of what they want to do with them.

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