Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Friday, June 12, 2009


It has been a rollercoaster of a week. Last week Wednesday, I celebrated my 33rd birthday. I thought it was pretty cool to turn 33 on the 3rd (6/3/09). I was surprised by an amazing email telling me that our party won the Clairol Hair Color national contest. What a gift! The trip is for me and 6 of the people that attended the Clairol Hair Color party that I had as a part of houseparty.com. We all received hair color coupons to pick out our own color to use at the party. We also each received a gift bag full of products. It was a fun party and we were excited to enter the contest they were holding with totalbeauty.com. Because my friend, Erin, received the most votes, I became the winner (they awarded the host the prize). Our group of 7 will be headed to L.A. this coming January for the People's Choice Awards. We get airfare, 3 nights in a 5 star hotel, limo service to the show, we get to walk the red carpet where the celebs walk, see the People's Choice Awards, and attend an after party. I can't wait. We hope that Midwest will stay in business so that Justin and the kids can fly out with us and stay in my hotel room. We plan on visting Mike and Allison while we are there and possibly even going to Disney! Here is the video we made... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2fzv2O_2t4

All the excitement quickly came to a halt when we got a phone call from my mom and Bruce on Thursday telling Justin and me that my mom's cancer had returned and they wanted to do surgery that following Tuesday. She had been in remission for 3 years and on her annual check up to the specialist, the tumor had been found. We thank God that the doctor suggested a CT otherwise the tumor would not have been found. I flew out on Sunday, since the surgery moved up to Monday. The surgery went well. We are hoping that she is able to go home today or tomorrow.

This past Monday, Justin bravely took on our 3 kids and our friends kids. He is a very patient guy, although he was exhausted by the end of the day!

We are enjoy the beautiful weather by playing outside. The light wind is keeping most of the bugs away, which makes it even more enjoyable. This weekend we will head to Milwaukee to celebrate the graduation of our friend, Ethan Wartick.

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