Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day 2009

picture taken by Ben

The summer seems to be chugging right along. I can't believe that the kids have been out of school for about a month already. This week was filled with fun as Cami spent time with her friend, Ianna, on a play date, Ben attending VBS at Lake City, Justin's parents and Keri, Joe, and Natalie coming down, a graduation party, and St. Paul's Family Fun Days.

Cami spent Tuesday morning with her friend, Ianna, from school. She loves playing with Ianna and has missed her since they finished up preschool. We can't wait to have Ianna come over and play at our house soon.
We spent Wednesday making Father's Day presents for daddy. Ben made a paper tie (sorry no picture) while Cami and Ian fingerpainted wood picture frames.
Ian's frame for daddy

After the picture frames were completed, they continued their fun of fingerpainting. This is a fun project, however, the clean up is something I like to take on only once
in a while.

Cami working on her picture for daddy
Ian fingerpainting

Ben attended Lake City Church's Vacation Bible School on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. They have a 3 day VBS, where the kids get a choice of learning and playing basketball, soccer, or doing crafts. Ben was able to attend with his friend, Christian. Ben was sad that it ended as he was really enjoying learning how to play basketball. His coach stated that he was very impressed at Ben's coordination and skills since he has never played before. We hope to get him involved in Door Creek Church's Upward Basketball team this fall.

The last 2 weekends we were able to celebrate graduations. Last weekend our friend, Ethan, graduated from Milwaukee Lutheran. Dana is starting to feel old as she use to babysit for Ethan and his 2 siblings when he was younger. We had a great time reconnecting with many friends.

Saturday we started out the day going strawberry picking at Berry Hill Farms. The kids enjoyed a breakfast of strawberries. Ben and Ian did a great job helping pick the berries, while Cami enjoyed picking flowers off the grass. We love that she is such a girly girl!

Cami with her bucket of flowers
Ian is so proud of his strawberry

In the afternoon, we celebrated Justin's cousin, Josh, graduation from Oregon High School. We were able to spend time with Justin's aunts, uncles, and cousins. We even found out that his cousin, Katrina, recently became engaged to her boyfriend Chris. They are planning an August 2010 wedding. Justin's parents, Keri, Joe, and Natalie were able to spend Saturday night with us. It is always nice to spend time with them.
Aunt Keri pushing Ian and Natalie on the swings at Josh's graduation party

We all went to St. Paul on Sunday morning. After the service, the church held their annual Family Fun Days. Dana helped run the Kids tent, which was filled with games, prizes, crafts, a guy making balloon creations, and a bounce house for the kids. Food was abundant! The church provides this event for the community for no cost.
Ben's shark hat from the balloon man
Ian enjoying a piece of corn at Family Fun Days

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