Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fourth of July 2009

I have great ideas to write for our blog entries, however, somehow they don't get done in a timely fashion. I can't seem to find enough time to sit down and upload pictures and then write an entry. My days are filled with busyness with either just my 3 or my 3 with an additional 2.
Sometimes for fun we head out (me and all 5 little ones) and go to the park or a play date or to Target to pick up something that we need. The summer is flying by and in less than a month the kids will start school again. They are still both excited to attending a new school this fall. We are hopeful that Ben will still like it once he has to actually put on "handsome" clothes. He has
warmed to the idea that he will be wearing Docker style pants and polo shirts or dress shirts. He is a bigger fan of jeans and Tshirts, so it may take a while before he gets use to the idea.We
enjoyed our 4th of July weekend at Justin's parents house. We always enjoy the time away to the country. It is so peaceful. Ben had his first camping experience with grandpa. He was so excited to sleep in a tent outside. We thought that camping up north at grandma and grandpas house was the best place since there is a bathroom right inside the house and no worries about other campers being too loud.
The kids enjoy tons of space to run and play, going fishing by the creek, feeding the rabbits, and playing with grandma and grandpa.Each of the kids caught 3 fish while fishing with grandma and grandpa at the creek near their house. Ian was overjoyed and dance with delight when he caught his fish.

It was a fun and relaxing 4th!

The kids leaving the park by Keri and Joe's house
Ian is too cool in his shades!

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