Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Kansas City Day Trip

The time has come to say good-bye to the beloved 717. A few years ago Midwest replaced their DC-9 aircraft with brand new Boeing 717 aircraft. It was an honor to fly the newest aircraft, several of them were right off the testing line when I got to get aboard. The smell of new aircraft is definitely different from the DC-9, DC9-10, and the MD80 and MD88 aircraft that were flying long before I was around. It will be sad to be done flying as I feel that is my second home. I loved my job and will miss it, however, a new chapter in my life is beginning and I will embrace it. Our kids will learn about car trips and being closer to home instead of hopping on a plane whenever we felt the desire to see family or friends or just have a little getaway.
I set off on a day trip to Kansas City with my dear friend, Jayne Mann. She and I met many years ago on a Christmas Eve 3 day trip overnighting in Orlando then Dallas. We were both hoping our full flight would lessen by 2 so that her daughter and my husband would be able to come aboard and fly to Orlando so we would not have to be without family on Christmas Eve/Christmas Day. We were blessed to have a few people not show up, so Justin and Megan were able to go with us. Upon arrival in Orlando, we settled into our hotel and headed out to TGIFridays as a crew. We had a great time, spending hours eating and enjoying time together. To our surprise, our captain picked up the bill. Very generous! We also received a special Christmas gift the next day. We flew from Orlando to Milwaukee and were scheduled to fly to Dallas for another overnight. Upon arrival, we found out that Dallas was having an ice storm so our flight was cancelled. We felt bad for the passengers, however, the Dallas airport is not equipped for ice or snow, so on the rare occasion this occurs, no flights are able to fly in or out. We were able to go home and enjoy Christmas evening with our families. It was a great trip!
Our departure information
Signature service - 2 across Recaro wide leather seating with head rests and foot rests
Welcome Aboard your Midwest Airlines flight

A few friends were aboard for our last trip. Thanks Melanie, Joey, and Claudia
Breakfast at Brian Gasek's house was amazing!

Downtown Kansas City
Having dinner with a good friend

High above the skies between Milwaukee and Kansas City

My friend, Pat Manriquez serving cookies. Pat and I flew about 150 flight hours together my right before I went on Adoption Leave for Ian

Cheers to my last flight on the 717 from Kansas City to Milwaukee. The last Midwest Airlines 717 will make its journey on November 2, 2009. Flight 210 from Boston to Milwaukee will arrive at 9:40pm.

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coffee anyone?

Captain Chandler Copps

High above the seats we find 2 former flight attendants
Stinky lav
Try out this jumpseat one last time. I spent MANY hours in this seat

Republic will never be able to be the REAL Midwest Express Airlines. It was a good run for 25 years and now a new era begins...

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