Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat

Each year the kids get more and more excited when Halloween is coming near. They get excited about dressing up and getting candy. Thankfully, they even get excited about handing out candy as well. There is usually screams of excitement when someone rings the doorbell. Each of them hands over a handful of treats to the awaiting trick or treaters. This year Ian dressed up as a frog. This is a costume that Ben wore just a few short years ago. We will pass it down to Ben Hackman for next year.
Cami dressed up as a princess. She wore a beautiful gown from American Girl. She has a matching dress for her doll. Ben dressed up as a Clone Trooper. He received this dress up outfit for his birthday and couldn't wait for Halloween to come.
We headed to St. Paul's Trunk or Treat this year. Cars line up. Pastor Gerry fills the trunks with candy. The kids eagerly go from car to car collecting a large grocery bag FULL of goodies.
Alexis, Cami, and Aria help hand out the treats from Jake and Cecilia's trunk.
Cami saw her friend, Maya, at Trunk or Treat. The girls had a fun time trick or treating together then enjoyed a cup of hot chocolate after.
Ian borrowed Alexis's basket. He didn't care about the candy, only that the basket was a soccer ball.
After Trunk or Treat, we headed home. The kids set out their carved pumpkins. Ian helped daddy with lighting the candles so they would glow at night. We headed up and down our block to go to the various houses that were handing out treats. When we arrived home, the kids happily handed out some of their goodies to the kids coming by to trick or treat.
Ian and Daddy lighting the pumpkin

Ian loved "helping" daddy carve the face on his pumpkin

Ben's scary monster pumpkin
Cami's princess pumpkin

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