Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Friday, November 27, 2009

2 years ago today...

Ian 1st birthday

Ian 2 1/2

Two years ago today we headed to Arizona to celebrate the long life of my Grandma Meier. We boarded the plane in Milwaukee and flew to Phoenix. As we were taxiing to the gate in Phoenix, I checked my cellphone messages. Our social worker, Anne, had frantically been trying to get ahold of us. She had left several messages on my cell phone, called Justin's work, etc. She was thrilled to tell us the news we had been waiting about 17 months to hear..."Your son is ready to come home!" The paperwork was finished and visas and passports processed. Our baby was ready for us to come and bring him home. Justin, Ben, Cami, and I flew over 10,000 miles in just 2 days. Not one tantrum by any of us! :)
I can't believe how the time has flown by. My baby is now talking, walking, strong willed and quite the comedian. We love him so much and are very thankful that he is a part of our family

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