Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Heading toward the weekend

Our family picture taken in October

I always enjoy reading other people's blogs. I find inspiration to jot down things from our day. Unfortunately, I rarely get all my thoughts down and published in our blog. I love the honesty and the humor that most have. I also enjoy seeing pictures of friends as their kids grow, especially of those we don't see often.

Our last 2 weeks have been filled with illness or maybe I should say fevers. I have to believe that the spinal correction/chiropractic that we have been doing has helped our bodies fight a lot of germs that have been around us. Having various kids over during the week exposes us to many illnesses, not to mention whatever the kids bring home from school. The kids have traded off high fevers the last 2 weeks. It is hard waiting for another symptom to show itself only to have 2 or 3 days of high fevers and nothing else. I am thankful for the added snuggle time I have had with each of my kids. I love just sitting with them or having them fall asleep in my lap. The thought crosses my mind that I should utilize the quiet time to do housework or accomplish something else, but then I remind myself that the times of snuggling are getting more rare as the kids grow and exert their independence. Ben will return to school tomorrow after 3 days off for a fever. Yesterday he slept over 16 hours and today he thankfully is back to about 95%. God has given us an amazing body to fight infection. Everyones immune systems are getting stronger and hopefully we can avoid a lot of illnesses this winter.

55 days until we leave for LA to attend the People's Choice Awards. We found out the airline tickets were booked, our hotel is reserved, we received a check today to cover gas and parking, and are looking forward to finding out if there are even more surprises in store!
We are thankful that we will be able to spend a belated Christmas with my family while we are in LA. We are looking forward to spending time with Mike and Allison and the kids and also spending time with my mom and Bruce. We are also looking forward to all going to Disneyland together. Mickey and Minnie....here we come!

1 comment:

Yvonne said...

Wonderful picture! I love it!