Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

It's Christmas Time

Ian helping Grandpa clear the walkway
Ben worked hard shoveling to build a huge fort and sledding hill
Ian likes riding on the tractor with Grandpa
Ben likes helping Grandpa drive the tractor
We headed up north to celebrate Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa and Keri, Joe, and Natalie. We always enjoy heading up north for relaxation and time with family. The kids love having a lot of space to run around outside. They also love playing with Grandma and Grandpa. Of course nothing can compare to Grandma's cooking, we all enjoy her delicious meals and treats.
The kids spent a lot of time outside sledding, riding on the tractor with Grandpa, and shoveling snow around. They couldn't wait for Christmas Eve when they could open their presents. Keri, Joe, and Natalie joined us on Christmas Eve for dinner and opening presents. It is fun to watch the excitement the kids have each year as they rip the wrapping paper to find what treasure lie underneath.
The kids are excited to open presents
Ben and Cami pose for a picture...where's Ian?
Cami and Ian are so happy for Christmas to be here
One of Ben's favorite gifts
Cami loved the dress and purse Grandma made for her
The barn was a HUGE hit
Silly dancing kids
One of our best presents
Our family
Natalie, Uncle Joe, and Aunt Keri
Grandma Sandy and Grandpa Neil
We headed home on Saturday after a wonderful weekend. On Sunday, Justin got to go to Lambeau Field to attend the Packer's game with Mike Glassford. The kids and I headed to Milwaukee to spend a belated Christmas with Jeff, Kerri, Katelyn, and Nathan. The kids had a blast playing together while Jeff, Kerri, and I caught up. It was a wonderful Christmas and we look forward to a great New Year!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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