Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Snow Day!!!

It is a beautiful day in Madison where a lot of snow has fallen overnight. As I look outside, the snow is still blowing around. We ran our errands and took our van in to get repaired yesterday so we could avoid driving today. We now have a newer van for the next few days as ours gets repaired from our car accident last week. Everything is direct billed to the person's insurance company, which takes the stress off of us. As my back heals and Cami's nightmares subside, we look forward to the day when the accident will be settled and we can continue on with our life. Thankfully there were not any serious injuries.

The kids were disappointed about their Christmas concert last night having to be rescheduled, but we are thankful for the massive amounts of snow to play in. We are decorating our Christmas tree that we cut out of our backyard this week, making chicken soup, and taking it easy. We may even wrap a few presents and make cookies later this afternoon.

It would be an even nicer treat to have school cancelled tomorrow too, but unfortunately that is not likely to happen.
Happy Wednesday!

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