Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Midwest Airlines Reunion

On Tuesday, November 2, I headed to Milwaukee for the Midwest Airlines reunion at the Terminal. About 150 people showed up to reunite. It was nice to see fellow Flight Attendants, Pilots, Crew Schedulers, Ramp Agents, and a few Customer Service Agents. We enjoyed drinks, pizza, cake, and a lot of time to catch up. My years at Midwest were full of life experience. I know that I will never be able to duplicate my experiences there. I am thankful that God brought me to a wonderful career at the right time in my life. I am also thankful for the time I have now being a full time mom. I miss my coworkers and I REALLY miss my flight benefits. My experiences have shaped the person I have become. I look forward to what God has in store for my future "careers" in the many years to come.
Cat Reed welcoming everyone to the reunion
My redeye buddy, Martinique

Good times with good friends
Some pilots flew in for the reunion. Miss them!

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