Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Thursday, November 4, 2010

No School! Headed to the Children's Museum

To break up a long weekend with Thursday and Friday off from school, we decided to head over to the Children's Museum. Our friend, Jason, headed to Madison to spend a day with our family. He was brave enough to help me take all 6 kids to the museum to play for the morning. The kids loved running around. They love having the freedom to build, paint, play trains, etc. I love them having the chance to burn off some energy and get some hands on learning. We spent several hours at the museum then headed to State Street for our favorite lunch, Ian's pizza. They have a variety of flavors of pizzas that most pizza places would never think of carrying. We enjoyed Mac and Cheese pizza, BBQ chicken pizza, and Steak and Potato pizza. The kids ate it up. We headed to Clary's popcorn to indulge my cravings for some delicious warm, buttered popcorn. After a stop at the popcorn place, Jason and Ben headed to the Historical Museum and I headed home with the rest of the kids. We enjoyed the nice, yet brisk morning and afternoon downtown.

Ian and Jason spent time building. Ian decided to make weights.

Cami and Ben were excited to see their friend, Haydn

One of Ian's favorite spots in the museum is the window painting area.

Ian and Mimi spend time building a colorful tower house (they named it color house)

The kids loved the giant hamster wheel
To end our time downtown, we headed over to Ian's pizza on State Street for Macaroni and Cheese pizza and BBQ Chicken pizza, 2 of our favorites.

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