Ian Hank

Ian Hank

Monday, February 28, 2011

Ian's Birthday Weekend

My baby is 4 years old. The time has flown the last 3+ years. We remember the woman who gave him life. We are extremely thankful for his selflessness of placing her child. We pray that she has the comfort of knowing that her child is loved and cherished.

Grandma Sandy, Grandpa Neil, Uncle Joe, Aunt Keri, and Natalie came to celebrate with us. Uncle Mike was even in town for work, so he was able to come and celebrate with us. Upon Ian's request, we went to Red Robin for dinner to enjoy some burgers and french fries.

After dinner, we headed home for dessert. Ian requested Grandma to make him a fire truck, dinosaur, airplane, choo choo birthday cake. As always, Grandma exceeded expectations and made an amazing cake! Ian was a VERY happy boy!

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